Uncle Will Weaver – Photos

Single days, leaning on hammer

Single days, leaning on hammer

Weaver's horse team, photo by almewett

Weaver’s horse team, photo by almewett

Milking was a daily chore

Milking was a daily chore

Max, Colin, Alan aka Pete (standing), Uncle Will holding Snow the cart horse. ca 1944

Max, Colin, Alan aka Pete (standing), Uncle Will holding Snow the cart horse. ca 1944

Ruby and Will Weaver in their "Sunday best"

Ruby and Will Weaver in their “Sunday best”

Central Station, Sydney ca.1970

Central Station, Sydney ca.1970

Published in: on March 31, 2014 at 10:52 am  Comments (2)  

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2 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I haven’t seen the first photo before??? Do you know where it was taken and what is that in the right hand background???

    • This photo of a young Will Weaver (note his dark hair) and his mate earning their wages by breaking rock was probably taken in the Rockbank – Melton district where stone fences were a common feature of the roadsides. The building in the background appears to have been a makeshift barn, stables or shed, the rusted iron roof having been salvaged from another building. This photo was always on the mantel shelf above the kitchen stove at the Kal Kallo farm. As a boy I never thought to ask about the location. It does not appear to have been taken at the farm.

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